When it comes to your smile, the importance of preventative care cannot be overstated. For many people, dental cleanings are something to be avoided. In reality, there are many reasons why they shouldn't be. Your Tedford Family dentist in Ooltewah TN is always happy to help, regardless of the date of your last visit.

Gum disease can be prevented by a dentist in Ooltewah TN.

Did you know that one of the best ways to detect gum disease is by visiting your dentist regularly? Gum disease has multiple stages, and we're able to detect early phases in patients before symptoms like red and swollen gums appear. By diagnosing gum disease early, we can put a treatment plan in place to save your teeth.

Plaque can be prevented by a dentist in Ooltewah TN.

If you've ever been to a dentist and been informed of plaque buildup, even though you brush and floss multiple times a day, then you know how frustrating plaque can be. It’s a sticky substance that adheres to your teeth and contains all sorts of bacteria you don’t want in your mouth. That buildup of plaque often leads to tartar, which causes your teeth to discolor. Unfortunately, removing plaque or tartar is only possible with the help of a dentist.

Tooth decay can be stopped by a dentist in Ooltewah TN.

Tooth decay leads to many problems including sensitivity, pain, and even tooth loss in extreme cases. If the tooth is beyond repair, it can be costly to replace the decayed tooth with a dental implant. Regular dental checkups allow us to spot any causes of decaying teeth so that we can save them before it's too late.

Get in touch with your dentist in Ooltewah TN!

Our dentists at Tedford Family Dentistry are prepared to help you with your unique smile, whether you're always on time for cleanings or it's been a while since you had one. We're the best place for dental care in the Ooltewah area, so schedule a cleaning with us today!
Published in Blog
Tuesday, 05 April 2016 14:20

Reducing Teeth Sensitivity

dentists ooltewah tn When you suffer from sensitive teeth, brushing, flossing, eating and drinking can all cause temporary discomfort. Most people with sensitive teeth experience a sharp, sudden pain that can cause pain deep into the nerve endings of the teeth. Worn enamel and exposed dentin and tooth roots are all factors contributing to sensitive teeth. In many cases the sensitivity is due to wear and tear, decay, gum disease, tooth grinding, whitening products, acidic foods and recent dental work.

There are a variety of methods that can reduce tooth sensitivity.

  • Brushing and flossing regularly
  • Gently brush along the gum line with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Take care to avoid removing gum tissue.
  • Switch your regular toothpaste for a formula that is designed for sensitive teeth.
  • Avoiding foods and drinks that are highly acidic can help to elevate discomfort.
  • Select toothpastes and mouthwashes that contain fluoride as it can help to decrease sensitivity.
  • Use a mouth guard at night to help protect your teeth against grinding.

There are also a variety of dental procedures that can help to decrease tooth sensitivity and pain. Your dentist may recommend dental bonding, fluoride varnishes and dentin sealers can all be applied to the exposed root surface.

Through a variety of preventative methods and semiannual visits with your dentist, you can reduce the pain and discomfort associated with tooth sensitivity.

Published in Blog
Monday, 11 January 2016 17:12

New Year's Resolutions for Your Smile

cosmetic dentist Ooltewah TNTis’ the season for New Year’s resolutions. Make a vow to improve your oral hygiene and keep your smile bright and healthy. Not to mention that proper dental care can impact your overall health and appearance. Here are a few resolutions to improving your oral hygiene.

Brush Appropriately
One of the most simple way to improve your oral health is to brush your teeth properly and for a full 2 minutes.

Floss Daily
While we know we are supposed to floss daily, many of us neglect to do so on a regular basis. Flossing daily can help to reduce your risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease, as well as make for fresher breath.

Snack Less
Limiting snacks can be beneficial for your oral health and waistline. Snacking between meals increases the amount of bacteria present in your mouth which will leave to the development of plaque. Limiting your snacking will reduce the bacteria in your mouth and help improve your waistline.

Limit Acidic Foods
Acidic foods, like soft drinks and sports drinks can be highly damaging to your mouth and wear away the enamel on your teeth. Limit your consumption of acidic food and drinks and drink plenty of water to help rinse away the acid and bacteria.

Not only is smoking bad for your health, but it can be harmful to your oral hygiene. Smoking and smokeless tobacco products can increase your risk for gum disease and tooth loss. It can be a challenge to stop smoking, but the decision can impact your overall health.

Visit the Dentist
Visiting the dentist twice a year can help to keep your teeth and gums at their healthiest. It can also ensure any problems that arise are detected and treated properly before the condition worsens.

Let our Ooltewah dentist office help you make a resolution to keep your teeth at their whitest, brightest and healthiest. After all, there is no time like the present to start improving your oral health.

Published in Blog
Tuesday, 20 January 2015 15:31

Oral Health Problems in Seniors

dentures ChattanoogaAge, health conditions and other factors can all put seniors at risk for a number of oral health issues. Oral health is an important component of overall health and well-being, but can often be overlooked. There are several conditions that are commonly found in senior patients:

Cavities effect all ages, not just children. As you age, the risk of tooth decay increases, simply because adults do not visit the dentist as regularly as children. When cavities go undetected and untreated for longer periods, the problem ultimatley worsens. No matter your age, you should visit the dentist on a regular basis.

Dry mouth or xerostomia, is a condition plaguing many seniors. It is estimated that upwards of 20% of seniors suffer from dry mouth. Typically it is caused by a variety of medicines. Common prescriptions such as decongestants, antihistamines, pain medicines, antidepressants, diuretics, muscle relaxers and high blood pressure medicines can all cause the condition. To help alleviate dry mouth, drink plenty of water and limit you caffeine and alcohol intake.

Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Periodontal disease is an infection that effects the gums and tissues surrounding the teeth causing them to become inflammed or seperate from the teeth. In the early stages, the disease is painless, but as it advances it becomes more painful, causing sore gums and pain when eating. Proper brushing and flossing can prevent gum disease. Seniors are more prone to the disease due to arthritis and limited dexterity.

Many seniors can also have difficulty eating due to cavities, missing teeth, gum disease, or poorly fitting dentures. These oral health problems can make it challenging to eat and force an adjustment in the balance of their diet.

Good oral health habits are important at any age. Regardless of age, brushing twice a day, flossing and regular visits to the dentist can keep your teeth at their healthiest.

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