Tuesday, 15 October 2024 22:12

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

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Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity and How to Find Relief Have you ever cringed while enjoying your favorite hot coffee or biting into a cold ice cream cone? You’re not alone! Tooth sensitivity is a common issue that can make everyday treats feel like a painful challenge. But what exactly are the causes of tooth sensitivity, and how can you find relief? Let’s dive into the root of the problem and explore ways to protect your smile. What is Tooth Sensitivity? Tooth sensitivity, also known as dentin hypersensitivity, occurs when the protective layer of your teeth (enamel) wears away or when your gums recede, exposing the underlying dentin. Dentin contains tiny tubules that connect to the nerves inside your teeth, making them more vulnerable to hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and drinks. Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity Understanding the causes of tooth sensitivity can help you prevent and treat…
Wednesday, 28 August 2024 12:46

The Importance of Regular Dental Check-ups

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The Importance of Regular Dental Check-ups We all know how important it is to brush our teeth daily, but how important are dental check-ups? Are they truly essential for safeguarding our oral health? While a good dental hygiene routine can help keep your teeth sparkly and fresh, complete oral care does involve regular visits to your dentist. Proactive care through preventive dentistry can save you from more extensive (and expensive) treatments down the road by tackling oral health issues early and head-on. What is Preventive Dentistry? Preventive dentistry is all about ensuring your oral health stays on track. This includes regular dental check-ups, cleanings, and at-home oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing. By staying ahead of potential issues, you can avoid more serious problems such as cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. Think of it as investing in your smile's future—because a little prevention goes a long way. What…
Saturday, 27 July 2024 00:38

Exploring Cosmetic Dentistry Options

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Imagine looking in the mirror and feeling self-conscious about your smile. Maybe it’s the chipped tooth from a long-ago accident or the persistent stains from years of enjoying your morning cup of joe. These dental imperfections are common with age, but they can affect your self-esteem, preventing you from feeling like your most confident self. Fortunately, there’s a solution: cosmetic dentistry options can be a game-changer. If you feel low self-esteem because of your teeth or they cause issues in your life, cosmetic dentistry can offer the solution you need. At Tedford Family Dentistry, we focus on the client’s desires and what's best for their health to provide the best possible outcomes. We’ve created this guide to help you explore all the cosmetic dentistry options available and understand which ones might benefit you the most. Dental Implants Dental implants are a remarkable solution for tooth loss. These implants act as…
Wednesday, 26 June 2024 13:25

A Dentist’s Guide to Child Teeth Care Tips

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Every parent wants to ensure their child grows up healthy and happy, and these child teeth care tips are essential for maintaining their overall well-being. While we often focus on nutrition and physical activity, pediatric dental health is just as important! Establishing good dental habits early can prevent cavities, gum disease, and other dental issues. At Tedford Family Dentistry, we care about your family's health and have compiled these child teeth care tips to help you succeed in caring for your child's dental needs. Here’s what you need to know to keep your child’s smile bright and healthy: Start Early with Dental Care Infant Dental Hygiene: Begin cleaning your baby’s gums with a soft, damp cloth even before their first tooth appears. Once teeth emerge, use a small, soft-bristled toothbrush with water. This is one of the first child teeth care tips you can implement. First Dental Visit: Schedule your child’s…
Dental care for children all comes down to routine. Having a routine can help you incorporate healthy habits for your kids, especially when it comes to dental hygiene. Summer time can be a little lax when it comes to kids though, right? Without school and normal routines, some of our structure tends to go out the window. But with school starting up again and some sense of normalcy returning to the days, you can help engrain those healthy dental habits for your kids. Chattanooga Preventative dentistry and intentional home care can culminate in a much healthier mouth. Starting around age 3 you should: Help your child brush their teeth with a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste and make sure your child spits it out after Help your child brush for at least 2 minutes twice per day Start helping your child floss his or her teeth when they begin to…
Friday, 04 August 2023 18:43

Coughs, Colds and Cavities

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Just as candy, sweets and sports drinks can increase your risk for tooth decay, so too can liquid medications. There are a variety of ingredients commonly found in cough drops and syrup medications that can leave you more susceptible to tooth decay and cavities, especially when the medicine is taken consistently over long periods of time. To create a better taste, many medicines contain high fructose corn syrup and sucrose. These sugars can contribute to decay when bacteria in your mouth feed on the sugars and attack the enamel of your teeth. The citric acid in these syrups can also break down the enamel on the teeth. The alcohol found in the syrups can also have a drying effect on the mouth. With less saliva to rinse the sugar and acids away, the more increased risk for decay. With a few simple steps you can ensure that the cough and…
Friday, 28 July 2023 19:45

Should I Go to the Dentist If I’m Sick?

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You may be asking yourself this question if you have a dentist appointment but are feeling a bit under the weather. As many dental appointments can be difficult to reschedule, you might find yourself uncertain of what to do. To cancel or not to cancel? Here’s a guide on whether you should cancel your appointment if you’re sick. How Sick Am I? The first thing you must decide is, “How sick am I?” The type of ailment, depending on your symptoms, can greatly affect your appointment. You must evaluate the severity of your sickness, and the level of pain and discomfort. Patients who are unable to sit still through an appointment should consider rescheduling. Am I Contagious? Contagious? If you don’t want to infect others, always reschedule. However, you might not always know if you are contagious. If you are coughing or sneezing, you may have a common cold, a…
Saturday, 08 July 2023 15:20

Why Do I Need to See a Dentist in Ooltewah TN

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When it comes to your smile, the importance of preventative care cannot be overstated. For many people, dental cleanings are something to be avoided. In reality, there are many reasons why they shouldn't be. Your Tedford Family dentist in Ooltewah TN is always happy to help, regardless of the date of your last visit. Gum disease can be prevented by a dentist in Ooltewah TN. Did you know that one of the best ways to detect gum disease is by visiting your dentist regularly? Gum disease has multiple stages, and we're able to detect early phases in patients before symptoms like red and swollen gums appear. By diagnosing gum disease early, we can put a treatment plan in place to save your teeth. Plaque can be prevented by a dentist in Ooltewah TN. If you've ever been to a dentist and been informed of plaque buildup, even though you brush…
Friday, 26 May 2023 14:08

Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat are veneers made from? The thin shells are created from porcelain or resin and can be customized for a desirable color and shape. What caused my gums to recede? Over time, it is natural and common for gums to recede. Can bridges fall out? No, bridges are non-removable, they are permanently cemented in place. How many shades of whitening can be applied in a single session? Our teeth whitening procedures are used to brighten the appearance of a patient’s smile by as many as 5 to 10 shades in one session. I have a receded jawbone, can I get dental implants? Even if your jawbone has receded, bone implants might be an option that allows you to be a candidate for implants. Don't dentures slip around in the mouth? Our technology at Tedford Family Dentistry anchors the denture plate so securely that it won’t wander. How can…
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