Tuesday, 12 July 2016 17:05

Super Foods for a Healthy Smile

53380148 lWe’ve all heard the saying that you are what you eat. Those words couldn’t be more accurate when it comes to oral health. According to the American Dental Association, your dental health is the first thing to suffer from a poor diet. Improve your overall health with these super foods:

Cheese lovers, rejoice! Not only is it delicious, but it has been shown to increase the pH levels in your mouth and lower your risk of tooth decay by neutralizing the acids in your mouth. It is rich in calcium, protein and other nutrients. Cheese strengthens tooth enamel which protects your teeth from sensitivity.

Filled with vitamins A and C, celery is great for your gums. It can also act like a toothbrush, scraping away food particles and bacteria as you eat.

Plain yogurts with no added sugars are super foods for your teeth. Yogurt is filled with calcium and protein which help to create strong and healthy teeth. The probiotics, or healthy bacteria, found in yogurt also fight bacteria that can lead to tooth decay.

Leafy Greens
We all know that leafy greens are good for your health, but they are beneficial to our oral wellness too. Low in calories, yet packed with vitamins and minerals, spinach and kale promote oral health. Their high calcium content protects the enamel on your teeth and fights gum disease in pregnant women.

While most sweets can be harmful to your teeth, apples can be beneficial to your oral health. High in water and fiber, apples can fight bacteria and rinse away remaining food particles. Eating them can also stimulate your gums.

Crunch away on carrots as they are filled with fiber and reduce your risk of developing cavities. They are also rich in Vitamin A which can help with vision and immune function.

Almonds are healthy snacks for weight loss, but a good source of calcium for your teeth. Similar to leafy greens, they keep tooth enamel strong and healthy.

In addition to regular brushings and cleanings, drinking plenty of water and eating more dairy and vegetables can help to create a strong, healthy smile. For more information on strong, healthy smiles contact our Ooltewah dentist office at 423-238-8887.

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Friday, 10 June 2016 19:38

Navigating Your Toothpaste Options

Ooltewah TN dentistsWith countless toothpaste options available, it can be overwhelming to select between all natural ingredients, whiteners and fluorides. When selecting toothpastes your preferences and personal needs should be your primary consideration. This brief overview can help you to navigate the dental care aisle and select the best toothpaste.

One of the most important ingredients in toothpaste is fluoride. This naturally occurring mineral helps to fight cavities and tooth decay. The sugars, starches and left over food particles found in your mouth are the ideal energy source for the bacteria in your mouth. As the bacteria feed, they release a damaging acid. Fluoride strengthens the enamel on your teeth, making them less susceptible damage. Using a fluoride toothpaste can also protect against tooth decay.

Even if your water contains high levels of fluoride, studies have shown that using a fluoride toothpaste can help to strengthen teeth.

Tartar Control
There are a variety of tartar controlling toothpastes with fluoride available. Plaque is a layer of bacteria that occurs on teeth. If plaque isn’t removed, it hardens to form tartar. Tartar is more difficult to remove and overtime can build up and lead to gum disease.

Pyrophosphates, zinc citrate and other chemical compounds reduce tartar buildup. There are some brands on the market that also contain triclosan, an antibiotic that kills bacteria. Toothpastes that contain multiple plaque fighters are more effective in controlling tartar buildup.

Sensitive Teeth
Toothpastes with potassium nitrate or strontium chloride are ideal for sensitive teeth. These ingredients fight tooth sensitivity by blocking the nerve pathways. These toothpastes do not provide immediate relief. In most cases, it takes approximately 4 weeks to notice a decrease in sensitivity.

Whitening toothpastes are some of the most popular choices on the market. Rather than containing bleaches, most whitening toothpastes contain abrasive chemicals or particles. These substances help to polish the teeth and bind to remove stains. Abrasive whiteners have found to be no harder on tooth enamel than any other varieties of toothpaste.

There are more factors to consider when selecting a toothpaste. Choose one that contains the American Dental Association seal of approval. This marking indicates an independent review board has evaluated its safety and effectiveness. Also, steer away toothpastes that are made in China. The FDA found some to contain diethylene glycol, a potentially toxic substance.

With such a wide variety of toothpastes available, it can be challenging to select which is the best fit for you. Beyond fluoride protection, the other ingredients are a matter of preference. No matter which type of toothpaste you choose, it is important to brush your teeth thoroughly for approximately 2 minutes, twice a day.

Our Ooltewah dentist at Tedford Family Dentistry can help you to select a toothpaste and create a bright, shining smile. Call us at 423-238-8887 to make your dentist appointment today.

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Tuesday, 05 April 2016 14:20

Reducing Teeth Sensitivity

dentists ooltewah tn When you suffer from sensitive teeth, brushing, flossing, eating and drinking can all cause temporary discomfort. Most people with sensitive teeth experience a sharp, sudden pain that can cause pain deep into the nerve endings of the teeth. Worn enamel and exposed dentin and tooth roots are all factors contributing to sensitive teeth. In many cases the sensitivity is due to wear and tear, decay, gum disease, tooth grinding, whitening products, acidic foods and recent dental work.

There are a variety of methods that can reduce tooth sensitivity.

  • Brushing and flossing regularly
  • Gently brush along the gum line with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Take care to avoid removing gum tissue.
  • Switch your regular toothpaste for a formula that is designed for sensitive teeth.
  • Avoiding foods and drinks that are highly acidic can help to elevate discomfort.
  • Select toothpastes and mouthwashes that contain fluoride as it can help to decrease sensitivity.
  • Use a mouth guard at night to help protect your teeth against grinding.

There are also a variety of dental procedures that can help to decrease tooth sensitivity and pain. Your dentist may recommend dental bonding, fluoride varnishes and dentin sealers can all be applied to the exposed root surface.

Through a variety of preventative methods and semiannual visits with your dentist, you can reduce the pain and discomfort associated with tooth sensitivity.

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Thursday, 23 July 2015 17:48

The Effects of Smoking

dentists Ooltewah tn Bad breath, tooth discoloration, plaque buildup, gum disease, tooth loss and oral cancer are all side effects of smoking. The damages caused by smoking can impact your oral health, just as it does your overall health. Statistics have found that 50% of smoking adults have gum disease and are approximately twice as likely to lose their teeth or need a root canal.

When it comes to tobacco products there isn’t one product that is any safer than another. Both cause damages that extend beyond the mouth. Smoking and smokeless tobacco products both affect the soft tissue and bone attachment. Tobacco use also leaves smokers more susceptible to infections and gum disease.

The chemicals found in these products also increase the risk oral, throat and esophageal cancers. Smokeless tobacco irritates the gums and as a result, the gums begin to separate from the teeth. This separation can increase the risk of tooth decay and increase sensitivity, making eating and drinking difficult.

The American Cancer Society reports that 90% of people with mouth, lip, throat and tongue cancer are tobacco users. Their research also concluded that smokers are six times more likely to develop these cancers. The easiest way of preventing these issues is to stop smoking or reduce your habit. Studies have shown that reducing your intake can lower your risk of developing these conditions all together. Your doctor and dentist can both help you to calm your cravings and stop smoking with a variety of medications.

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