Wednesday, 13 November 2019 15:03

Get Your Best Smile for the Holidays at Tedford Family Dentistry

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Cosmetic Dental Services in Ooltewah TN

Perhaps once upon a time, all you wanted for Christmas was your two front teeth– but now as an adult, maybe there’s still room for you to love your own smile more? It’s amazing the level of confidence you can find in having a beautiful, white smile. If that’s something you aspire to, our expert staff at Tedford Family Dentistry wants to help.

At our office in Ooltewah TN, we offer all kinds of cosmetic dentistry services, and there’s never been a better time to take steps toward your best smile– just in time for the holidays. At our office, we can help with dental implants, dental veneers, teeth whitening for your brightest smile, cosmetic fillings, and contouring. No matter what condition your teeth are in, our dental staff is here to help restore your smile, whether that’s with something as simple as a whitening treatment, or something as involved as implants.

Dental Implants

Sometimes to accommodate tooth loss, your dentist will recommend dental implants. These artificial root replacements are surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line with the use of metal posts or frames. This process allows for the secure positioning of replacement teeth, and generally results in a more healthy and youthful looking smile.

Pros and Cons of Dental Implants


  • Aesthetics- Dental implants look and feel just like real teeth, and have the power to transform a smile.
  • Durability- This is about as permanent a solution as you will find for tooth loss. Because dental implants are fused to the jawbone, they are stable and lasting like real teeth when well cared for.
  • Bone Health- Since dental implant exist to replace missing teeth, they greatly decrease the risk of bone loss, which can cause a whole host of other problems.


  • Long Process- The procedure requires multiple steps, and can take time. You also need to wait up to 6 months for the implants to fuse to the bone, so it may not be the best option for someone looking for a quick fix.
  • Potential Infections- Though rare, there is a risk of dental infection that comes with implant surgery. This can generally be mitigated with a close watch from your dentist or oral surgeon.
  • Expense- Even if partially covered by insurance, you will still be responsible for some of the cost of dental implants, and they can be pricey. Details will depend on your specific situation, but it’s always smart to be prepared.

Tedford Family Dentistry

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin pieces of porcelain bonded to the teeth to recreate a natural, beautiful smile. They also behave like actual teeth, boasting strength and resilience much like natural tooth enamel. Dental veneers can be used to fix chipped or broken teeth, as well as uneven, worn down, or misaligned teeth, creating a more aesthetically pleasing smile.

Pros and Cons of Dental Veneers


  • Aesthetics- Perhaps the most obvious benefit to dental veneers is the enhanced appearance of one’s smile.
  • Low Maintenance- Because dental veneers are adhered directly to the teeth in whatever shape they happen to be in, no drilling or shaping is necessary in most cases. Once applied, you just brush and floss your veneered teeth as usual.
  • Whiter Smile- Dental veneers basically look like beautifully white, brand new teeth. Enough said.


  • Color Variation- Though the color of your teeth will slowly change with time and age, the veneer color will not. This can sometimes lead to differences that are noticeable.
  • Delicate- Veneers are made of porcelain, which is more likely to chip and crack than regular crowns or filling material. That said, dental veneers might not be a great choice for someone who chews ice, bites their nails, or grinds their teeth, making them more susceptible to breakage.

Teeth Whitening

Tedford Family Dentistry in Ooltewah TN offers cosmetic dental services such as teeth whitening so clients can achieve their best smiles.

Let’s face it. Some of us don’t have teeth as white as we’d like. Lots of things can cause teeth to discolor and stain– smoking, drinking coffee, tea, and red wine, aging, trauma, and of course, poor oral hygiene. Some of us just naturally have teeth of a darker shade, but whitening is always an option. At Tedford, we can help you achieve your whitest, brightest smile!

Pros and Cons of Teeth Whitening


  • Cosmetic- The obvious pro for teeth whitening is, you guessed it, whiter teeth!
  • Confidence- Talk about a confidence boost! There’s nothing more confidence-building than smiling your whitest smile.


  • Tooth Sensitivity- Sensitivity can occur with whitening, and is more severe in some cases than others; however, it generally subsides within a few days.
  • Gum Irritation- Sometimes whitening can cause gum irritation, usually a result of poorly fitting whitening trays rather than from the whitening agent itself.

At Tedford Family Dentistry, we will work to ensure trays fit properly to avoid these potential issues. With the holidays coming up, maybe you should treat yourself to the smile you’ve always wanted. If you are considering cosmetic dental procedures, we hope you’ll consult with our dentists at Tedford Family Dentistry. We are here to answer any questions you might have about potential treatments that can help you achieve your best possible smile. Get in touch today, and start the process.

Read 1906 times Last modified on Wednesday, 13 November 2019 16:40