Thursday, 12 December 2019 13:24

New Year’s Resolution? Healthy Gums and Teeth

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Make Healthy Gums and Teeth a Goal This Year!

As the end of the year approaches, we all do a little soul searching, setting intentions for the new year. It’s always nice to have a clean slate– a fresh start of sorts. The first of the year is the perfect time, if there ever was one, to resolve yourself to taking better care of your teeth! Maintaining healthy gums and healthy teeth is a really lovely goal to work towards on your own or maybe with your whole family.

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The thing about New Year's resolutions is you’ve got to be realistic, and do whatever you can to set yourself up for success. One great way to achieve this is to work toward a common goal with your whole family. You and your partner and kids can all work toward healthy gums and teeth together! Make it a goal. Here are a few tips to help you stay the course with a resolution for better dental health.

Accountability- Hold each other accountable! Ask your kids if they brushed and flossed each morning and before bed. Remind your spouse to swish with a mouthwash to help kill bacteria and promote a healthier mouth. You can even ask your dentist at Tedford Family Dentistry in Chattanooga to recommend a toothpaste and mouthwash combination that’s best for you and your family.

Talk about it!- Talking about your resolution to practice healthy dental habits will only reinforce your goal, both in your own mind and with those around you. Being vocal about it will help encourage and motivate you, and your family as well, if they are taking this dental health journey with you!

Track your progress- This is especially helpful with children! Make your kids a chart and use stickers to track how well they’re doing with teeth brushing and flossing. That visual representation of effort is always encouraging and motivating. You could even work out a reward system to treat them for a job well done.

Involve your dentist!- Ask your dentist at Tedford how to best maintain healthy gums and teeth. Ask for recommendations about what steps you can take that are specific to your teeth and your personal goals, and always stay on schedule with regular dental cleanings and exams.

Go above and beyond brushing and flossing- There’s more to a healthy mouth than just the obvious basic daily care habits. Avoid sipping on sodas and other beverages (other than water) throughout the day, as these items can eat away at tooth enamel making it more susceptible to decay. Also don’t graze on food. Eat regular meals and maybe a snack or two a day, but in the interim, give your teeth a break.

All of us at Tedford Family Dentistry hope these tips are encouraging to you, and that you’ll consider a resolution related to your dental health. We also hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season, and ring the new year in right, but what’s more is we hope you reach your personal goals you set for yourself. If better dental health is a goal of yours for 2020, just know we are here cheering you on, and happy to help in any way we can. Cheers to a happy, healthy new year, and hopefully happy, healthy gums and teeth.

Read 2220 times Last modified on Tuesday, 12 May 2020 12:41