Ooltewah TN Dentist Blog
Monday, 13 December 2021 13:35

5 New Year's Resolutions to Boost Dental Health

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5 New Year's Resolutions to Boost Dental Health.jpg“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” –Oprah Winfrey

With the new year on the horizon, it’s time for us to start planning our resolutions. A new year also means a fresh start for each of us in many ways, and an opportunity to improve ourselves by whatever means we set our minds to. Interestingly enough, there are many new year’s resolution options that can actually help boost your dental health, and here are just a few to consider for the upcoming calendar year!

1– Floss More!

Flossing is one of those things we all KNOW we should be doing at least once per day, but it’s pretty easy to blow it off, or skip it when we’re in a rush or tired and more than ready for bed. That said, resolving to floss your teeth more is a great way to improve overall dental health, eliminating food particles and bacteria from the mouth that can lead to decay and other dental problems.

2– Regular Dental Exams

This potential resolution will be a relatively simple one to honor seeing as you only really need to visit the dentist for dental cleanings and exams twice per year (barring any problems). Making a commitment to see your dentist every six months can be a big step forward in your dental health journey. Cleanings help keep your pearly whites in their best condition, and your checkup and x-rays will help ensure any problems with your teeth or gums are detected and treated early.

3– Get a Night Guard

Another new year’s resolution that can help preserve your dental health is getting and regularly wearing a night guard while you sleep. The only real way to guard against the grind and preserve the integrity of your teeth is to wear a mouthguard while sleeping. Your Tedford family dentist can get you fitted for a custom night guard to prevent tooth damage, jaw tension, headings, and other dental problems by minimizing the effects of grinding and clenching throughout the night. This is a wise investment, and though the night guard may take some getting used to, it will be more than worth it in the long haul.

4– Avoid Stains!

Perhaps your teeth aren’t quite as white as you’d like them to be? If this is the case with you, you could resolve to avoid drinks and foods that can stain your teeth over time. Coffee, tea, wine, and other food and drink can take their toll on teeth, but you can protect your teeth from these stains by avoiding these items whenever possible to protect the cosmetic appeal of your smile.

5– Drink More Water

Isn’t this something we could all stand to do? Probably. Water is like a dear friend to the human body. Getting enough water can result in more energy, healthier skin, better digestion, and much more. Drinking more water can also help boost your dental health by rinsing away food particles that can cause decay, and by introducing your teeth to more fluoride, which is in a lot of drinking water.

No matter what you settle on for this year’s resolutions, our team at Tedford Family Dentistry wishes you all the best in the upcoming year, and we’re here to support you and your family for all your dental health needs. Contact us if you need a cleaning or exam, and cheers to a new year.
Tuesday, 02 November 2021 16:59

5 Dental Tips for the Holiday Season

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Dental Tips for the Holidays

The last remaining months of the year are filled with family, friends, and food– yes, with the holidays comes a full spread of delicious eats and treats that you’ve likely been anticipating all year long. Though you’re surely excited to indulge in all the foods, drinks, and desserts you love while you celebrate the holidays, it’s important to prioritize your oral health during this time as well. So here are five dental tips to bear in mind this holiday season to keep your teeth and gums healthy and happy.

1– Maintain Your Daily Oral Care Routine

Even though the holidays can be a major disruption to our everyday schedules, it’s important to stick to your regular routine as it pertains to oral health. Make sure you continue to brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, and that you floss at least once per day too!

2– Don’t Skip Dental Appointments

Of course, the end of the year is easily the busiest of times, but that isn’t reason enough to blow off your regular dental visits. Keep your teeth healthy and cavity free, and your gums in ship shape by keeping those always-important dental check ups and cleanings.

3– Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking water has a slew of health benefits, but is especially important during the holiday season. This busy time of year often has us running ragged, and staying hydrated can help boost our immune systems, keep our skin looking its best, and help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Water washes away food debris and bacteria, and often has fluoride in it to help strengthen teeth while you drink it.

Dental Tips for the Holidays

4– Avoid Grazing

It’s easy during this time of year at holiday parties and family gatherings to eat a little here and there, and graze on the snacks and treats abounding. That said, grazing is not great for your teeth and gums. When you eat, your body produces an acid that aids in the breakdown of food, and that acid is not ideal for tooth health. This is why it’s a good idea for meal times to have distinct beginnings and ends to allow for your teeth to get a break from this process. It’s also a good idea to try to brush or rinse after eating whenever possible.

5– Keep Some Floss Handy

Another pro tip, especially during the holiday season, is to keep some dental floss in your bag or pocket. Not only is it a great idea to pop into the bathroom for a quick floss after meals, but you’ll also be totally prepared if you have an unfortunate spinach dip situation, or something else stuck in your teeth when you’re trying to socialize at the company Christmas party.

These are small and simple ways you can prioritize your oral health during this usually-hectic time of year. Of course, if you have any issues or concerns, contact our team at Tedford Family Dentistry. We’re always here to help! Cheers to the most wonderful time of the year, and to taking the best possible care of our holiday smiles no matter what the calendar brings!

Tuesday, 13 July 2021 16:31

Tips from Your Chattanooga Pediatric Dentist

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What to do if your kid has a cavity

What To Do If Your Kid Has a Cavity

Cavities aren’t ideal, but they are common. According to the CDC, about 20% of children ages five to 11 have at least one, untreated decaying tooth or cavity. Are you wondering what to do if your kid has a cavity? Keep calm, and call your Chattanooga pediatric dentist. When it comes to cavities, the worst thing you can do is nothing. You don’t want to leave a cavity untreated or unfilled, because it will progressively get worse, and cause pain and more problems if you don’t address the issue early on.

Cavities in Children

Several factors can make children susceptible to developing cavities including poor dental hygiene, improper diet, lack of dental care, and even genetics. Though a lack of regular brushing and flossing is often the culprit in the presence of dental caries, it’s not always the problem. Some people are just more genetically predisposed to tooth decay than others. That said, it’s important to teach your children to brush regularly and do what they can to prevent tooth decay.

Cavity Signs and Symptoms

There are several warning signs that your child may be developing a cavity, and when you notice them, it’s best to make an appointment with your pediatric dentist straight away. The earliest sign of developing tooth decay is the formation of chalky, white spots on the tooth due to calcium loss and the presence of plaque. As the cavity begins to form, the area will become light brown, and as the spots deepen, they will darken in color.

Symptoms of a cavity often include:

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold and/or sweet foods
  • Pain from the affected tooth
  • Pain in the mouth surrounding the affected tooth
That being said, some cavities present without causing these symptoms, and that’s why it’s so important to maintain a regular schedule for dental cleanings and exams. This gives your provider the opportunity to detect dental problems in your children early on before they become bigger issues.

Treating Cavities in Children

If your child does develop a dental cavity, your Chattanooga pediatric dentist will present you with the treatment options that make the most sense for your child. Treatment will depend on the size and location of the cavity, as well as whether it’s in a baby tooth or a permanent one.

Dental Filling Types:

  1. Amalgam Fillings– Often used to treat cavities in kids, amalgam fillings are silver-colored, less expensive, and more durable than composites. They are also a faster treatment option so the child spends less time in the dentist’s office. If the cavity is in a baby tooth, this option makes sense while you wait for the permanent tooth to replace the affected one. 
  2. Composite Fillings– This filling type is made from white resin made to mimic the look of real teeth. Though composite fillings are not as durable as amalgam fillings, they are a good option for addressing cavities that are more visible in a child’s smile, or cavities in permanent teeth.

Cavity Prevention

No one wants their child to have to deal with the discomfort or the aftermath of having dental cavities, but they are very common and very treatable particularly when caught early. Still, there are steps you can take to help reduce the risk of cavities for your children including:

  • Teaching great dental hygiene habits early on
  • Maintaining a schedule of regular dental visits including cleanings and exams
  • Make sure your child receives fluoride treatments to strengthen teeth
  • Consider dental sealants to safeguard molars against tooth decay
If you suspect your child has a dental cavity that needs attention, contact our helpful staff at Tedford Family Dentistry near Chattanooga. We specialize in family care and pediatric dentistry, and our team excels at creating a comfortable environment for all our dental patients.
Tuesday, 08 June 2021 15:43

Pediatric Dental Care

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5 Tips to Get Your Kids Comfortable with Dental Appointments Chattanooga

5 Tips to Get Your Kids Comfortable with Dental Appointments Chattanooga

Dental visits can be stress inducing, for patients of all ages, but what do you do when your child is outright afraid of going? There are some things you can do to help ease them into these situations with confidence. Here are 5 tips to get your kids comfortable with dental appointments Chattanooga, and we hope you’ll give them a shot.

1– Start dental appointments early!

Start em young. One great way to ensure your child is totally comfortable with dental appointments is to follow the recommendations of the ADA, and start taking your child to the dentist around the age of 6 months. As soon as your baby starts getting teeth, it’s time to start taking care of them. Early exposure to dental appointments can help create a comfort level with that type of care with your child. Treat it like the routing occurrence it is, and your child will likely follow suit.

2– Stay positive.

Kids pick up on energy. Don’t forget this. If you’re stressed, they feel it. If you’re anxious, they feel it. Lead by example, and take great care of your own teeth at home. When you have dental appointments, make sure your child sees you going into them with confidence. If you have had bad experiences with dentists in the past, keep that under your hat. Your attitude about the whole thing will influence your child more than you might realize.

3– Have a pretend dental appointment at home.

Before your child’s dental appointment, have a trial run at home. Do a little role playing, and make it fun. Your little one might gain some comfort from approaching things this way, and it also provides an opportunity for your child to ask any questions that may come up about the dental appointment and what to expect.

4– Talk about it.

Don’t overwhelm your child with too much information or too many details, but talking about the upcoming dental appointment can really help ease any worries. Talk about how important it is to take great care of your teeth and gums, and explain that the dentist and his staff are going to brush their teeth just like you do at home to make sure they are clean and healthy. Avoid words like scary, pain, and shot, because those will likely just frighten your child. Using neutral language will soothe your child, and create a feeling of comfort and security.

5– Find the right dentist.

Another important factor in instilling confidence for your child regarding dental appointments Chattanooga, is to find the right pediatric dentist. At Tedford Family Dentistry, we work to create an environment where children can feel comfortable. We understand how important it is for kids to feel confident about coming into the office for cleanings and other procedures, and we strive to create a sense of security and comfort with every office interaction.

Some dentists and their staff members have specialized training when it comes to providing pediatric dental care. The key is working with a team that invests time in building rapport and trust with your child, in an environment designed for treating kids. Our team at Tedford understands that this goes a long way.

If you’re looking for a pediatric dentist in Chattanooga, contact our team today. We’d love to take care of your little ones and help steer them toward lifelong oral health.

Monday, 17 May 2021 18:21

Do You Struggle with a Fear of the Dentist?

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Overcome Dental Anxiety by Finding the Right Chattanooga Dentist

overcome dental anxiety with the right Chattanooga dentist

Does the thought of stepping into a dental office cause you immediate waves of anxiety? If so you’re not alone by any stretch. Many people deal with a very real fear of the dentist that can stem from all sorts of things. Some people deal with fear of injections or pain in general, others may feel embarrassment associated with the state of their teeth, and others still have suffered through negative dental experiences in the past that cause dental anxiety. Some people struggle with anxiety so severe that it keeps them from seeing a dentist regularly which only exacerbates the issues. 

Find the Right Chattanooga Dentist

So how do you overcome this dental anxiety or fear of the dentist? There are lots of things you can do, but we think the number one line of defense should be to find a Chattanooga dentist who is just right for you. When you take the time to find a dentist who is able to make you feel comfortable when you’re in his or her care, you’ll be surprised at how much of your dental anxiety or fear will melt away.

Lots of factors can come into play when it comes to your comfort level at the dentist’s office. The atmosphere, the support staff, and the overall feel of the practice can go a long way in helping to ensure your comfort. It also helps to find a dentist who you trust who does great work, has experienced assistants, and who takes the time to discuss things with you to ease your worries about any necessary treatments or procedures.

Relaxation Tactics

Another way to combat dental anxiety is to practice relaxation techniques to help actively calm your mind and body. Deep breathing is a great place to start, as it is instrumental in relaxing tense muscles. Focusing your mind on your breath is also a great way to meditate and center yourself. Counting your breaths can serve as a great source of distraction while you’re undergoing dental procedures that have you stressed, plus this mindful breathing practice also helps to lower heart rate. You can also try systematically relaxing all the muscles in your body from head to toe, starting with the face and neck, and then the shoulders and so on.

Laughing Gas & Anesthesia

Some dentists will use nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, to help relax patients who suffer from dental anxiety. Many patients find that the use of laughing gas is enough to quell their fears surrounding dental experiences. Talk with your Chattanooga dentist about this option if you are feeling extra anxious about your dental visit.

Some dental procedures that are more involved may require anesthesia, in which case your provider will discuss with you the options available. One option that’s sometimes available is conscious sedation. This type of anesthesia involves the use of drugs that depress the central nervous system allowing for the dental procedure to be carried out while the patient is still conscious and able to communicate with the dental staff during the visit. Different levels of sedation through anesthesia are often available during more invasive dental procedures.

Don’t Skip the Dentist

No matter how you address your fear of the dentist or dental anxiety, be sure it doesn’t get so overwhelming that it keeps you from your regularly scheduled visits. Skipping out on cleanings and dental exams can lead to dental problems that are unpleasant and costly to address, and those experiences will only contribute to any negative feelings you may have about seeking dental work. If you are looking for an experienced and caring dental staff in the Chattanooga area, contact our team at Tedford Family Dentistry. We work hard to create an environment in which our patients can feel safe and comfortable while receiving the quality dental care they deserve.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021 15:07

Do you grind or clench your teeth at night?

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Dental Night Guard Chattanooga

dental night guard Chattanooga

If you’re a stress grinder or tend to clench your teeth and jaw at night, you may want to explore the option of a dental night guard with your Chattanooga dentist. Teeth clenching, also known as bruxism, can result in a lot of discomfort and serious damage to your teeth over time. Grinding and clenching can cause jaw pain, jaw dysfunction, ongoing fatigue, and even teeth breakage due to the constant pressure.

If any of this is sounding familiar, chat with your dentist about dental night guard options that can help protect your teeth while you sleep. Even though wearing a night guard takes some getting used to, and can feel uncomfortable at first, the pros far outweigh the cons. Here are what we consider the top three benefits of wearing a dental night guard.

1– It protects your teeth from damage.

The last thing you want to deal with is broken teeth. They are painful and expensive to fix. A dental night guard protects your teeth from damage by acting as a cushion, a barrier of sorts, while you clench or grind your teeth. This helps prevent chipping, worn-down teeth, and breakage.

2– It helps minimize jaw pain and headaches.

Clenching one’s teeth throughout the night puts a lot of stress on the jaw. As such, many people who clench their teeth at night will experience some level of jaw pain, which can actually lead to ongoing headaches and even migraines in more severe cases. Wearing a dental night guard can help minimize the effects of clenching and grinding.

3– It can help promote better sleep. 

A lot of people who clench their teeth during the night wake themselves up doing so. By this token, wearing a night guard will help them get a better night’s sleep. The dental night guard takes the brunt of the force associated with clenching and grinding, allowing the muscles of the jaw and face to relax more during sleep.

If you think you could benefit from wearing a dental night guard, chat with your Chattanooga dentist at Tedford Family Dentistry. We’d love to help you find the right solution for your bruxism, grinding, or clenching. Your teeth deserve a break, and you deserve peaceful sleep.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021 15:39

Dental Care Products to Shake Up Your Routine

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Oral Health Chattanooga

Toothpaste tablets and oral health Chattanooga

Dental hygiene is critical, but sometimes gets tossed to the back burner if we’re running late, tired, or just don’t feel like facing the dentist for that much-needed check up. Here’s the thing though, the teeth you have are the only ones you’ll ever have, so taking great care of them is imperative. That said, if you need to rally with some new, fun, dental care products to ramp up your oral health game, we’ve got some suggestions for products you should check out. In the meantime, schedule an appointment with our team at Tedford Family Dentistry, because when it comes to oral health Chattanooga, we’ve got your back all the way.

The Electric Toothbrush, Only Smarter

You have likely tried electric toothbrushes before, but the technology going into them is greater and more impressive than ever before. Switching from a regular toothbrush to a sleek, electric one with a spinning head can serve to motivate you to brush more frequently, and will help you be more effective in the process. We love the Oral-B 6000 SmartSeries Electric Toothbrush.

Say goodbye to replacing batteries, as this tool from Oral-B is rechargeable. More than that, this toothbrush actually features bluetooth connectivity so you can pair it to your smartphone for real-time feedback about how well you’re doing on the toothbrushing front. This powerful tool can remove up to 300% more plaque along the gumline than a manual toothbrush can. How’s that for upping your oral health game? Read more about this toothbrush on the Oral-B site.

Toothpaste Tablets

Another way to reimagine your approach to oral health care at home is by using toothpaste tablets. Totally hygienic, and generally tidier than tube toothpaste, toothpaste tablets are easy to use, and perform just like regular toothpaste when it comes to cleaning teeth. One of the great features of using tablets is they prevent cross-contamination, which is particularly helpful when it comes to the spread of germs. Other benefits to these tiny tablets include easy storage and ease of use for travel. They also result in less waste, and often feature recyclable packaging! (Did you know that nearly 1 billion toothpaste tubes end up in landfills yearly?) They also help promote better dental health habits as they make brushing your teeth extremely convenient.

Fun Floss Flavors

Let’s admit that most of us don’t floss as often as we should. Dentists agree that you should floss at least once per day, but twice is better, and flossing your teeth after each meal is even better. It’s important to actively remove bits of left behind food while also mitigating the formation of plaque between the teeth with regular flossing. One way to encourage yourself to reach for the floss more frequently is by finding a fun new flavor.

Cocofloss is a brand we love that comes in a variety of flavors, and this floss is also coated in coconut oil which serves to help gently scrub away plaque. Coconut oil is also a natural antimicrobial, working to sooth the gums while also fighting cavity-causing plaque build up. Try the fun flavors this brand has to offer like the classic Delicious Mint, or go for something more left field like Fresh Coconut, Pure Strawberries, or Cara Cara Orange. You won’t be disappointed, and neither will your gums.

With these different products, you can revive your home oral health habits, and have a little fun in the process. If it’s time for a check up or dental cleaning, contact our team at Tedford Family Dentistry. We care about oral health Chattanooga, and we’d love to help you get and stay on track for your best oral health ever.

Your Chattanooga family dentist at Tedford wants you to understand cavities so you can better prevent them.

Let’s get granular about cavities. We all know what cavities are, right? Tooth decay that creates permanently damaged areas in the hard surfaces of the teeth that become tiny holes. But the more we actually know about cavities, the better job we can do at preventing them.

Did you know that cavities are one of the world’s most common health problems? According to the World Dental Federation, untreated tooth decay is an issue affecting nearly half of the world’s population. Cavities are most prevalent in children, teenagers, and older adults, but anyone with teeth is at risk of developing tooth decay.

What Causes Cavities?

Simply put, sugary foods cause tooth decay. So when bits of food and drink like bread, fruit, candy, milk, soda, and the like stay in contact with your teeth, they cause decay. The bacteria in your mouth turns these foods into acids, then the bacteria, acids, and food debris combine with your saliva to form plaque. This plaque clings to the surfaces of your teeth, dissolving the enamel and causing cavities to form.

How Do You Know If You Have a Cavity?

Signs and symptoms of cavities often depend on where they are in your mouth and how large they are. You may not even have any symptoms at first, if the cavity is small enough, but as it gets larger, you may experience some of the following:

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Visible black, white, or brown stains or spots on the teeth
  • Visible holes in the teeth
  • Pain when you eat or drink sweet things, or hot and cold things
  • Pain when you bite down
  • Pain or a toothache that occurs at random

Cavity Contributors

Everyone with teeth is susceptible to tooth decay and cavities, so it’s important to do what you can to minimize the chances of getting them with preventative care. Being aware and conscientious of habits that can affect your overall oral health can go a long way. So here are a few things that can contribute to the formation of cavities.

  1. Frequent consumption of sugary food and drink that clings to the teeth– ie. bread, cereal, chips, ice cream, milk, soda, etc.
  2. Poor oral hygiene. When you don’t brush properly and often enough, you’re giving plaque and decan an open invitation.
  3. Insufficient fluoride. This mineral, found in toothpaste and tap water, helps to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavities.
  4. Dry mouth. Saliva plays an important role in oral health, constantly working to wash away food particles and plaque that can cause decay. Ergo when you don’t have sufficient amounts of saliva at work in the mouth, your chances for forming cavities are increased.
  5. Acid reflux. If you suffer from frequent reflux, talk to your dentist about how to best protect your teeth. That stomach acid that gets forced into the mouth breaks down tooth enamel and contributes to decay.

Cavity Treatment

If you do get cavities, you’ll need to work with your Chattanooga family dentist to figure out best treatment options and preventative measures to take as you move forward. Depending on the size and location of your cavity, your dentist may suggest a basic filling made of silver alloy, porcelain, gold, or composite resin. If the tooth decay is more severe, you may be looking at a root canal and/or crown. The best way to avoid getting cavities is to brush your teeth at least twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, floss regularly, eat a healthy diet without too much intermittent snacking, and of course, see your Tedford Family Dentist regularly for cleanings and exams. Our team will work with you to help prevent tooth decay and keep you smiling!

Friday, 20 November 2020 20:42

Happy Gums, Happy Teeth, Happy Holidays

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Give the gift of better oral health wiht our holiday gift guide

Holiday Gift Guide for Better Oral Health

There’s a time and place for practical gifts, and our team at Tedford Family Dentistry thinks gifts that help promote better oral health are always a great way to go. So this year as you’re doing your holiday shopping, consider some of these top items from our holiday gift guide for better oral health!

1– Electric Toothbrush

It’s a little luxurious, and a little boujee, but also such a nice thing to have– the electric toothbrush. Help that loved one in your life take their brushing up a notch. With cool options like Quip or Sonicare, you could even gift your loved one an ongoing subscription for top-of-the-line dental supplies.

2– Sugar Free Gum

If you’re looking for a great stocking stuffer for your kids or significant other, consider sugar free gum to accompany all the chocolate candy this year. Chewing gum can actually have a positive impact on your dental health by stimulating your mouth’s production of saliva. Steer clear of sugary gums though, as these can promote tooth decay.

3– Water Flosser

Let’s be real. Most of us don’t take flossing as seriously as we should, and could use a little extra motivation in this important department of dental hygiene. So consider giving the give of a water flosser. Water flossers use water pressure to help clean between the teeth. A lot of people prefer this method to traditional dental floss, finding it more effective and more comfortable. Waterpik® is a great brand for water flossers you can check out.

4– Teeth Whitening

There’s nothing like the confidence boost you get from loving your own smile. So maybe this holiday season you give the gift of professional teeth whitening treatments to a loved one, or better yet– treat yourself this year! Our team at Tedford can help you achieve your best smile with our in-office whitening services.

5– Dental Travel Kit

Lots of us travel during the holidays, and it’s nice to be set up to take great care of your teeth while you’re on the go. Another great gift idea is a travel dental kit put together by hand. Select a great travel toiletry bag, and fill it with travel size toothpaste, floss, mouthwash, mints, and anything else you think fits the bill. Bonus: this person will think of you with every trip taken!

So while you’re doing your holiday shopping this year, think about how you can give the gift of a healthier smile to the ones you love the most. We hope our holiday gift guide serves as inspiration for your most practical yet loveable gifts for better oral health in the upcoming year! Cheers and happy holidays, from all of us at Tedford!

Friday, 16 October 2020 19:10

Beware of the Sweet Tooth

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Halloween tips from your Chattanooga pediatric dentist

Things Your Chattanooga Pediatric Dentist Wants You To Consider at Halloween!

The costume-clad, candy-hunting holiday we celebrate now as Halloween was derived from an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain during which people would light bonfires, dress in costumes to ward off ghosts when the veil between the living and the dead was thought to be thinnest.

Over time, the name and customs associated with the holiday have evolved to include jack-o-lantern carving, scary movie viewing, and trick or treating around neighborhoods. But even though Halloween might be a dream for your children (who doesn’t love dressing up and eating tons of candy?), it has the potential to become your Chattanooga pediatric dentist’s nightmare. So our team at Tedford Family Dentistry has compiled a list of tips to help you keep your child’s dental health in check through the sugariest holiday on the calendar.


Know which candies are least harmful to your teeth. Dark chocolate for example is one of the better options, as it tends to have less added sugar. Furthermore, the antioxidants found in dark chocolate have been shown to fight periodontal disease. Who knew? (Well, we did, and now you do.)


Take it easy on the taffies and ultra sticky candies like Milk Duds. Sticky caramels and taffy tend to stick to the teeth, allowing the sugar therein to eat away at tooth enamel. These treats are also potentially dangerous for children with caps on their teeth, as the sticky candies can even pull off caps or crowns.


Enjoy candy at mealtimes. It’s a good idea to let your kids eat their candy and treats at mealtimes, because the saliva produced in the mouth while eating actually helps to wash away otherwise lingering sugars and bacteria.


Eat dinner before trick or treating! Trick or treat with full bellies so your kids won’t be tempted to candy binge. This will also give you time to get home and check over their stashes to ensure safety of the treats. Plus, counting and sorting the goods is half the fun!


Instate a candy budget. Don’t let your kids go crazy on the candy, but teach them moderation. Not only will the trick or treating loot last longer than a night or two, but also limiting your kids’ intake of sugar will be best for them all around. Their teeth (and tummies) will definitely thank you.


Drink lots of water. Not only does drinking water have fluoride in it, which helps preserve tooth enamel, but also the swishing water inside the mouth helps wash away bits of food and treats, as well as sugar and bacteria that can cause cavities.


Don’t forget to brush and floss. Good oral hygiene is imperative always, but especially when your child has consumed sugary treats. Leaving candy residue on teeth and gums is an invitation to decay. Brush, brush, and brush again.


Consider non-candy treats. Broaden your Halloween horizons by giving your kids something other than candy on this holiday. We’re talking glow sticks, coloring books, temporary tattoos, and maybe even a new toothbrush!


Don’t skip your cleanings! It’s really important to maintain your child’s dental cleaning and exam schedule to ensure issues are caught early– plus preventative care is always less painful and less expensive than fillings, root canals, and crowns.

Regardless of how you and yours choose to celebrate Halloween this year, we hope you have a safe and fun time. Our team at Tedford Family Dentistry wishes you the spookiest Halloween ever, and we hope you’ll take our dental tips to heart. Can’t wait to see your boo-tiful smiles soon!

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